The Architectural Association (AA) is the UK’s oldest independent architecture school and membership society. It is self-governed, self-motivated and self-funded. As a school it is famous not only for its students, teachers and graduates, including such figures as Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers, Rem Koolhaas and Sir Peter Cook – but also for the many ways in which its courses and activities have contributed to improving the conditions of modern architectural learning, practice and knowledge.
The AA Archives were formally established in 2007 and house a diverse collection of architectural models produced by AA students, ranging from 1930s to the present day and constructed in a
multitude of different media, from paper, cloth and wood, to examples of contemporary digital prototyping and 3D printing. One of the clear characteristics of the collection is a tendency towards the experimental and exploratory. Students often have more luxury to question and redefine ‘the model’ than permitted within the formal constraints of an architectural office – with the result that not only do our collections contain a diverse array of objects including a full size, functioning pinball machine, several performative costumes and a set of paper cakes…
Access is free to all AA students, staff and members. External researchers can purchase either a full AA membership or a Two-Week Research Membership (2019: £30).
Name of Institutional representative in network:
Dr Mark Morris; Edward Bottoms
Institution location:
34-36 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3ES